New speed limit in School Lane

School Lane
Toft Parish Council is pleased to announce that School Lane has recently become a 20mph maximum speed zone. We have been waiting a long time for this, so, it’s a huge relief to finally have it in place. It is hoped that the speed restriction will help children and pets play safely, and due to the lack of good pavement on School Lane, pedestrians will feel happier about using the road to walk on at some sections, as many of us already do. The Parish Council would like to thank everyone in advance for doing their best to not exceed the 20mph maximum speed, and, going forward, we hope to succeed in our bids for more 20mph zones throughout the village. 
Thank you,
Councillor Emma Darbyshire, on behalf of TPC.

Defibrillator Training

It is now over 4 years since we had our defibrillator installed outside Toft People’s Hall.  We have organised a training session on Zoom given by the Community Heartbeat Trust.  Please register on the link below and CHT will send you the link to join the session.

Tuesday, 8 February at 7:00 pm


July Meeting

The Parish Council met on 2nd July.
The PC has a cover for the Beacon on the drift listed as an asset, however, it would appear that there isn’t such a cover and therefore the asset listing has been removed.
It was agreed that the PC would progress having dedicated PC email addresses.
The new signage at the village entries and the yellow lines around the green have been partly funded by the CC via the Local Highway Improvement scheme. This year we are applying for funding to improve the layout of the drop kerbs for wheelchair and buggy access outside of Home Meadow, near the bus stop.
The PC agreed expenditure c£200 for the Sports Day and village BBQ to be held on 14th July.
It was agreed to progress the repairs to the bench on the allotments.
It was agreed to fund additional training relating to the Defibrillator.
The PC had received a request from Toft Historical Society for some supportive funding for the installation of the memorial and information board recognising that Toft was a “Thankful Village”. The PC agreed to support the request up to £500 for the information board.
The PC supported three planning applications.
It was agreed to get a quotation for the replacement/repair of the post for the gate at the entrance to Lot Meadow.

The PC is still short of a couple of Councillors, if you are interested please speak to any of the existing Councillors or give Martin Yeadon a call.

Please note there is no meeting in August.