I am sorry to report that our 2024 bid to make Toft a village wide 20mph zone was unsuccessful. Cambridgeshire County Council Highways and Transportation Committee met in October to review 91 applications. From this, 8 schemes were successful in receiving the funding. Toft came 46th in the ranking table. The Parish Council is now discussing options for a plan ‘B’, but we will at least resubmit the 20mph request in the current application window for Local Highways Improvement schemes, which closes on 10th January 2025. Other ways of helping to reduce the average speed of vehicles travelling through Toft will be considered and discussed over forthcoming PC meetings. We very much welcome your ideas and opinions, so please do come to the meetings to have your say. If you are unavailable to come to a meeting in person, please email your views to the PC. Thank you.
Latest News
New Climbing Frame on Toft Children’s Playground
In late Summer 2024 a fabulous new climbing frame was installed on the playground, which was funded by Toft Parish Council. This replaced an old and somewhat dilapidated climbing frame, which was no longer considered fit for purpose. We hope you like the new climbing frame and enjoy using it. Have fun!
Musical Instruments for Toft Playground
The Parish Council recently purchased three new outdoor musical instruments for the playground, which have now been installed and are ready to be enjoyed. We invite you to go along to the playground and try these out! You will find a set of rainbow Samba drums of different sizes, a lovely shiny Babel drum that has eight notes in G major, and Harmony, an outdoor Xylophone based on a traditional Vietnamese folk-musical instrument called a T’rung. There are two mallets so you can play with both hands or with a friend. These are all easy and fun to play and sound amazing. Let’s make music!

New Bench outside St Andrews Parish Church
We are pleased to now have a lovely new bench situated outside St Andrew’s Parish Church. This was purchased with a donation from a kind Toft resident. So, take time out of your walk, take a seat, and enjoy a moment watching the world go by.

New speed limit in School Lane

Defibrillator Training
It is now over 4 years since we had our defibrillator installed outside Toft People’s Hall. We have organised a training session on Zoom given by the Community Heartbeat Trust. Please register on the link below and CHT will send you the link to join the session.
Tuesday, 8 February at 7:00 pm
Greater Cambridge Local Plan – First Proposals Public Consultation
Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are working together to create a joint Local Plan for their combined districts – which we are referring to as Greater Cambridge.
The Councils are inviting comments, via public consultation, on the Greater Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals (Regulation 18: Preferred Options 2021). The Councils are also consulting on the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the requirements of Strategic Environmental Assessment) and Habitats Directive Assessment. This is part of the Regulation 18 Consultation under the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
The consultation documents can be viewed:
• on the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service website www.greatercambridgeplanning.org/localplan
• by appointment at Cambridge City Council’s Customer Service Centre: Mandela House, 4 Regent Street, Cambridge, CB2 1BY (phone 01223 457000);
• by appointment at South Cambridgeshire District Council Reception: South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA (phone 01954 713000);
• at Cambridge Central Library (7 Lion Yard Cambridge CB2 3QD) and Cambourne Library (Sackville House, Sackville Way, Cambourne, Cambridge CB23 6HD) during normal opening hours.
Hard copies may be obtained at a charge by contacting the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service using the contact details below. If you need assistance to view the documents, or wish to discuss the consultation, please contact us using the details below.
The Councils are also holding a number of online and in-person events during the consultation period, where planning officers will be available to answer questions. These may be subject to change in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please consult our website for full event details.
How to make comments
You are encouraged to comment online – full details are available on our website at www.greatercambridgeplanning.org/localplan
If you have difficulty commenting online, please contact the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Policy Team on 01954 713694 or email us at localplan@greatercambridgeplanning.org
Alternatively, you can make comments in writing using response forms available on the Councils’ websites or on request. Completed response forms should be emailed to localplan@greatercambridgeplanning.org
or posted to: Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service, Cambridge City Council, PO Box 700, Cambridge, CB1 0JH
Comments can be made on these documents between 9am on Monday 1 November and 5pm on Monday 13 December 2021.
All comments received during the consultation period will be published. Please refer to our privacy notice for further details, which can be found on our website.
July 2018 Minutes
July Meeting
The Parish Council met on 2nd July.
The PC has a cover for the Beacon on the drift listed as an asset, however, it would appear that there isn’t such a cover and therefore the asset listing has been removed.
It was agreed that the PC would progress having dedicated PC email addresses.
The new signage at the village entries and the yellow lines around the green have been partly funded by the CC via the Local Highway Improvement scheme. This year we are applying for funding to improve the layout of the drop kerbs for wheelchair and buggy access outside of Home Meadow, near the bus stop.
The PC agreed expenditure c£200 for the Sports Day and village BBQ to be held on 14th July.
It was agreed to progress the repairs to the bench on the allotments.
It was agreed to fund additional training relating to the Defibrillator.
The PC had received a request from Toft Historical Society for some supportive funding for the installation of the memorial and information board recognising that Toft was a “Thankful Village”. The PC agreed to support the request up to £500 for the information board.
The PC supported three planning applications.
It was agreed to get a quotation for the replacement/repair of the post for the gate at the entrance to Lot Meadow.
The PC is still short of a couple of Councillors, if you are interested please speak to any of the existing Councillors or give Martin Yeadon a call.
Please note there is no meeting in August.