20mph Application Update

I am sorry to report that our 2024 bid to make Toft a village wide 20mph zone was unsuccessful. Cambridgeshire County Council Highways and Transportation Committee met in October to review 91 applications. From this, 8 schemes were successful in receiving the funding. Toft came 46th in the ranking table. The Parish Council is now discussing options for a plan ‘B’, but we will at least resubmit the 20mph request in the current application window for Local Highways Improvement schemes, which closes on 10th January 2025. Other ways of helping to reduce the average speed of vehicles travelling through Toft will be considered and discussed over forthcoming PC meetings. We very much welcome your ideas and opinions, so please do come to the meetings to have your say. If you are unavailable to come to a meeting in person, please email your views to the PC. Thank you.

Musical Instruments for Toft Playground

The Parish Council recently purchased three new outdoor musical instruments for the playground, which have now been installed and are ready to be enjoyed. We invite you to go along to the playground and try these out! You will find a set of rainbow Samba drums of different sizes, a lovely shiny Babel drum that has eight notes in G major, and Harmony, an outdoor Xylophone based on a traditional Vietnamese folk-musical instrument called a T’rung. There are two mallets so you can play with both hands or with a friend. These are all easy and fun to play and sound amazing. Let’s make music!

New colourful musical instruments including rainbow Samba drums, a shiny Babel drum, and a Xylophone.
The musical instruments in position on Toft Playground.
Outdoor Xylophone on the playground.
Outdoor Xylophone
The new shiny Babel drum on the playground.
The new shiny Babel drum on the playground.