Welcome to the Toft Parish Council Pages

Toft Parish Council is your locally elected Council at the first tier of local government. Meetings are open to the public and are usually held on the first Monday of each month (excepting August) at the Toft People’s Hall in School Lane starting at 7.00pm.

Notices of meetings and agendas are published on the Parish Council Noticeboard near the bus shelter together with minutes, which can also be viewed on this site.

Among other things, the Council considers local planning applications for the planning authority, the South Cambridgeshire District Council; provides the local recreation area, the People’s Hall, litter bins, dog waste bins and the bus shelter; arranges for local verge cutting on behalf of the Cambridgeshire County Council and works with that authority to ensure the maintenance of local footpaths.

Greater Cambridgeshire Local Plan – First Proposals Consultation

Parish Council Meeting


250203 822nd TPC agenda and supporting papers website

250106 821st TPC Minutes draft

TPC Accounts FY2025 dec

250106 821st TPC agenda and supporting papers website

241202 820th TPC Minutes

241202 820th TPC agenda and supporting papers website (2)

241104 819th TPC Minutes

241104 819th TPC agenda and supporting papers website

240603 815th TPC agenda and supporting papers website

William Eversdens Charity (Allotment)

231002 Agenda 

231002 Draft Minutes

240513 william eversdens charity (allotments) agm agenda

Annual Parish Meeting 2024

240513 TPC apm agenda

Minutes 2023

Annual Parish Meeting 2023


Minutes 2022

Annual Parish Meeting 2022


Minutes 2021

Approved Budget & Financials

Approved Budgets

Parish Council Financial Statements

Standing Orders

Toft Parish Council Code of Conduct 2022

Parish Plan

Click here to download the Parish Plan

Click here to download the latest Action Plan

Major parts of Toft are designated as a Conservation Area – click here to see a map from the South Cambs Local Plan (Sept 2018) for details


Name / PositionPositionAddressTelephoneResponsibilities
Martin YeadonChairman5 Brookside, Toft01223 263663Communications (Facebook & Calendar), Financial Monitoring, Council Policies and Procedure, Play Inspection Reports, Allotments
Sarah JakesCouncillor
Emma DarbyshireCouncillor
Elaine MilesCouncillor11 Miller's Road, Toft01223 262255Footpaths, Dog Bins, Welcome Packs
Christine WatsonCouncillor
Ben StoehrClerk30 West Drive, Highfields Caldecote, Cambridge, CB23 7NY01954 210241Clerk